

Our specialization area is the treatment of diseases like fungus, acne, and allergic eczema. Medical Beauty Centers in the hospitals that we worked, offers microsurgical and cosmetic application services. 


Clinical Scope:

- Fungal diseases

- Psoriasis

- Eczema

- Hair and nail disorders

- Syphilis

- Skin Cancer

- Birthmarks

- Hair loss

- Drug allergies

- Teenage acne

- Genetic skin diseases

- Healthy skin care


Treatment of acne and seborrhea

- Oily skin, dandruff and pimple treatment

Treatment of hair disorders and hair growth

- Investigation about causes and treatment of hair loss

- Male pattern hair loss treatment

- Hair, treatment of fungal diseases and Pelat

- Investigation about causes of excessive hair growth

- Laser hair removal

Treatment of Fungal Skin Infections

Our dermatology center, Clinique, gives information to the patient about treatment and suggested protective measures for diagnosis of body, groin and foot fungal diseases.

Nail Disease Treatments

We offer services for treatments of diseases like: nail fungus, breakage of the nail, thickening of the nail, ingrown toenail and other various nail conditions. 

Treatment of Allergic Skin Diseases

- Our dermatology center, Clinique, offers services regarding the investigation and treatment of hives. 

- We offer you treatment for drug rashes.

- Dermatologic staff offers you services for the treatment of insect bites.

- We offer treatment for child and infant patients with cases of atopic eczema.

- Contact allergies (contact dermatitis) treatment.

- Our staff offers you services for allergies caused by cosmetic products.

- We offer services for protection and treatment for sun related allergies. 

- We have treatment services for oral diseases.

. Our staff offers you treatment for different diseases like: Behcet , aphthous ulcers, fungus of language, etc. 

Treatment of Parasitic Diseases of the Skin

- We offer you treatment for head lice, body lice and scabies.

Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Treatment of all skin diseases sexually transmitted.

Treatment of syphilis

Treatment of genital warts and herpes

Treatment of Skin Cancer

We give patients information and advice regarding skin cancers.

Melanoma treatment and diagnosis

Other Skin Diseases

Treatment of Psoriasis

We offer treatment of skin diseases, even during pregnancy and childhood stages.

Our staff offers you the treatment of bullous skin. 

We give you services regarding the treatment of abscesses and other inflammatory skin diseases.

Our Clinique center offers you services for treatment of diseases like: scarlatina, rubeola, rubella, chickenpox, shingles etc.


We offer you skin surgery in the case that a biopsy or removal of skin tumors in early stages is necessary.

We do the removal of moles and meat superego.

In addition to the above services, we offer you treatment of cryotherapy, electro cauterization, laser ray, and surgical treatment of nail problems. We offer you various treatments, such as: management of excessive sweating, Botox applications, cosmetic dermatology and different peeling applications such as the ones below:

- Jessner Peeling

- TCA peeling

- Glycolic acid peeling

- AFA peeling

- Amelan peeling

Treatment of Skin Spots

Dysport applications

Treatment of wrinkles

Treatment of Excessive sweating

Treatment of removing facial skin creases using filler injections

Dermatologic Laser Applications

Laser hair removal

Laser peeling

Non-ablative skin rejuvenation

Laser treatment for thread veins

Laser treatment of the pour vascular

Laser treatment of keloids, hypertrophic

Laser treatment of acne scars

Laser treatment for acne

Laser treatment of warts

Laser treatment of tattoos

Laser treatment of skin spots

LPG, mesotherapy and laser applications used conjunctively resolved problems of regional thinning, body shaping, facial wrinkles and sagging more effectively than when used singularly.